Monday, March 14, 2011

Guess Who's Expecting

Orthodontic Partners is very pleased to announce that we are going to be having three new additions to our Orthodontic Partners' family. Two of our assistants, Nicole and Ciera, are soon to be Mom's and Katherine, our 3-D Imaging Technician, is soon to be a Grandma.

Ciera just found out she's expecting so it's too soon to know if it's a boy or a girl but we're hoping for one of each. Ciera's little bundle of joy is due October 30th.

Nichole is a little farther along and is going to be having a little girl. She and her husband want to wait to see their daughter's beautiful face before deciding on a name. Nicole's little girl is expected to make her debut on May 29th.

Katherine's daughter, Michele, is expecting a little boy on the 27th of March. His name will be Wes Michael. We have no doubt that Katherine is going to make sure her grandson is thoroughly spoiled.

With these new additions, the children and grandchildren of the Drs and Staff of Orthodontic Partners' will increase to 30 children and 3 grandchildren. What a great reason to SMILE!

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