Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Junior League of Reno - Pumpkin Festival

The Junior League of Reno held it's first annual Pumpkin Festival at the Arlington Gardens Mall and Orthodontic Partners was there to support them by hosting the bean bag toss for young and old alike. "The Junior League of Reno is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable."
Since 1980 the Junior League of Reno has owned the Arlington Gardens Mall located at 606 West Plumb Lane in Reno, leasing the shops and running the Country Gardens restaurant. "The functions of the Arlington Gardens Mall include financially supporting the efforts of the Junior League of Reno and providing the community with a special and unique place to shop and dine." The Pumpkin Festival was a fun way to raise money for the Junior League's community projects and increase awareness of what the mall has to offer. The festival was a combination of games and activities for the kids and great shopping the adults. Be sure to join us for next year's Pumpkin Festival.

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